Frequently Asked Questions

  • Coaching is a development or transformation process where a coach supports a client in achieving their objectives, either personal or professional. It is based on a partnership between the coach and the client. The whole point of coaching lies in the interaction between coach and client and in the aspect of having a third-party helping you look at your topic from a different perspective. Self-supporting is not coaching. Coaching traditionally requires a series of sessions. This being said, a single coaching session on a specific topic is still considered as coaching.

  • Coaching and therapy are powerful and complementary methods. Therapy focuses on your current emotional state through understanding and healing past experiences such as traumatic events in relation to your current emotional state. There is the notion that something was broken in the past and needs to be fixed. Because the starting point of Coaching is that you are whole and resourceful, it focuses on your present and future and empowers you to develop strategies for growth and transformation. 

  • Coaching is for anyone looking to grow, transform their reality or make significant changes in their personal or professional life. If you feel stuck, want to step into the 2.0 version of yourself or need accountability, coaching is the method for you. 

  • An initial consultation allows for the coach and client to meet and evaluate whether they are a good fit for each other. The coach’s work ethic is explained and coach and client work together as a team to define the client’s desired outcome from the coaching. Coach and client agree on a development program together and a series of coaching sessions take place. Every session is unique and although there might be a coaching map established, the coach uses their intuition to work on what truly matters for the client’s development. 

    It is important to not expect major transformation or outcomes at the end of a coaching session. The coaching session initiates transformation through the awareness gained by the client, the materialization of this transformation takes place outside of the coaching session. 

  • You know that coaching is working for you when 

    • You catch yourself having different thoughts, the kind of thought you wouldn’t have had before. This means that the transformation was initiated. 

    • You make different choices, or as we call them in coaching “conscious decisions” than what you would had done before.

    • You feel uncomfortable much more often than before. Discomfort starts being a part of your daily life: where you would avoid it at all costs before, you now start feeling this sense of “I will do it anyways and it shall pass”. 

    • People seek your presence, verbally express that you inspire them, empower them or ask for your advice. 

    This is a non exhaustive list of small changes that indicate that you are on your transformational path.